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Dementia risk could increase with low levels of essential vitamin

“Normal” vitamin -B12 mirror may not be enough to Ward from dementiaNew research results.

Researchers at the University of California San Francisco examined 231 healthy older adults (an average of 71 years old) who had no dementia or no slight cognitive impairment.

The blood tests showed that their B12 mirrors were 414.8 pmol/l on average, while the recommended minimum level in the USA is only 148 pmol/l.

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According to a UCSF press release, the participants with lower B12 mirrors were “slower cognitive and visual processing speeds” in tests associated with “subtle cognitive decline”.

The effect was more pronounced with age.

Vitamin B12

“Normal” vitamin -B12 levels may not be enough to ward off dementia, according to new research results. (IStock)

People with lower levels also had more lesions in the white substance in the brain, which can be a warning sign for the cognitive decline. Dementia or strokethe researchers found.

The results were released on February 10 in Annals of Neurology.

Based on these results, the researchers recommend updating the current B12 requirements.

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“Earlier studies in which healthy amounts of B12 were defined Weill Institute for Neurosciences.

“Checking the definition of B12 deficiency in the inclusion of functional biomarkers could lead to previous interventions and prevention of cognitive decline.”

Man holds pill

“Checking the definition of B12 deficiency in the inclusion of functional biomarkers could lead to previous interventions and prevention of cognitive decline.” (IStock)

The researchers recognized that the study was only included older adultsWho can have a “specific susceptibility” for lower B12 levels.

However, these lower values ​​could “influence perception to a greater extent than before, and could influence a much larger part of the population than we recognize” their doctorate in research and medicine at the UCSF Department of Neurology and in the department of microbiology and immunology at the university by Ottawa.

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“In addition to the redefinition of the B12 deficiency, clinicians should also Consider complement In older patients with neurological symptoms, even if their mirrors are within the normal limits, “she suggested in the release.

“Ultimately, we have to invest in more research on the underlying biology of the B12 insufficiency, as this can be an avoidable cause of the cognitive decline.”

“Even participants with B12 mirrors who were classified as” normal “according to today’s medical standards showed clear signs of neurological impairment.”

Dr. Brett Osborn, a neurosurgeon in Florida and Durability expertAccording to the study, the idea supports the idea that “normal” vitamin B12 levels are “very insufficient” to protect the brain from the age-related decline.

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“Even participants with B12 mirrors who, according to today’s medical standards, had as” normal “as” normal “as a clear sign of neurological impairment – slower processing speeds, increased hypertentities of white substance in MRI (a marker for small vascular diseases) and increased Tau -Protein (a biomarker of neurodegeneration) that is the least said to say this, “said Osborn Fox News Digital.

According to Osborn, the current minimum recommendations were not designed for optimal cognitive function or durability.

Hold vitamins

An expert in neurosurge and durability recommends additions to B-complex vitamins, including B12 to ensure healthy homocysteine ​​mirrors, an amino acid that is produced during protein metabolism. (IStock)

“Instead, they were based on the population average – an naturally incorrect approach when today’s” average “person is metabolic unhealthy. This is another example of the digestion of mainstream medicine Behind science. “

In the Osborn Clinic, he recommends dietary supplements from B-complex vitamins, including B12 to ensure a healthy homocysteine ​​mirror, an amino acid that is produced during protein metabolism.

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“When homocysteine ​​is increased – a potential representative of low B12 – the brain function decreases,” said Osborn.

The doctor noticed that the study has been observed and that “the correlation does not show any causality”.

Woman confused

“Even participants with B12 mirrors who were classified as” normal “according to today’s medical standards showed clear signs of neurological impairment.” (IStock)

“But you really need a randomized controlled study to tell you that the optimization of the B12 recording benefits the health of the brain? This is as if you were waiting for a study to confirm that the food of vegetables is good for She is, “said Osborn.

“The data is there. Science is crystal clear.”

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Like the researchers, Osborn called for an update to the “normal” laboratory levels.

“It’s time to start Define health After optimal level – not through whatever is “average” in an increasingly sick population. Because who wants to be normal if you can be optimal? “

“No clear evidence was found that they indicate a benefit in the B12 supplementation in patients without a defect.”

Dr. Earnest Lee Murray, A Board -certified neurologist In the Jackson Madison County General Hospital in Jackson, Tennessee, this study agreed that the redefinition of the B12 deficiency raises the redefinition.

“Earlier studies have recommended a supplementation in patients with a well -known vitamin -B12 shortage to reduce cognitive problems. However, no clear evidence has been found that take up benefits in the B12 supplementation in patients,” Murray who does not The study was involved in Fox News Digital.

The neurologist warned that people take “mega doses” of vitamins.

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“High vitamins, especially B12, often cause no problems. However, it can happen,” said Murray.

“I would recommend that patients who are older or develop the risk of cognitive defeat discuss with their doctor that they are tested – not only for vitamin B12 levels, but also for other markers who have an incorrect absorption of vitamin B12 could indicate. “

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