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Cancer spread could be stopped by common pain medication, study finds

Taking a common over -the -counter pain reliever could help to keep up Certain types of cancer from the spread.

This emerges from a new study by the University of Cambridge, in which it was found that aspirin could reduce cancer metastatis (spread) by stimulating the immune systems of the participants.

The results were published on March 5 in the Nature magazine.

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In mouse models, scientists found that a certain protein called ARHGEF1 T cells that are immune cells that can determine and attack individual cancer cells that, according to a press release, cancel from original tumors.

Woman who takes pills

A new study could help to make certain cancer in a common over -the -counter pain reliever. (IStock)

ARHF1 was “switched on” when T cells were exposed to Thromboxan A2 (TXA2), a chemical that was produced by platelets and helps with blood clotting. Too much of TXA2 can increase the risk of Heart attacks and lines.

This is where Aspirin comes into play – it is already known to stop the production of TXA2 and prevent the coagulation. It can therefore be recommended to prevent heart events in some people.

“Aspirin or other medicines that could target this way have the potential to be cheaper than on antibody base therapies.”

“This new investigation showed that Aspirin prevents cancer by reducing TXA2 and the release of T cells before suppression,” says the press release.

In mice melanomaThose who received aspirin had less frequent metastases of the cancer compared to those who were not given.

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“It was a ‘Eureka’ moment in which we found that TXA2 was the molecular signal that activates this suppressive effect on T cells,” said the first author Dr. Jie Yang from the Department of Pathology of the University of Cambridge in the release.

“Before that, we did not aware of the implication of our results when understanding aspirin’s anti -timetatic activity,” he continued.

“Aspirin or other drugs that could target this way have the potential to be cheaper than Antibody -based therapiesAnd therefore more accessible worldwide. “

MRI scans

Aspirin could reduce cancer metastatis (spread) by stimulating the immune systems of the participants, according to research. (IStock)

Earlier studies have pointed out that daily aspirin treatment is associated with a reduced distribution of cancer in humans with the disease and reduced cancer mortality in patients without metastasis, the high -ranking researcher Dr. Rahul Roychoudhuri, Professor of Cancer Immunology at the University of Cambridge.

In a randomized controlled study, the intake of 600 milligrams of Aspirin average of an average of 25 months reduced cancer incidence in heirs Intestinal cancer.

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Pashtoon Kasi, MD, medical director of gastrointestinal medical oncology in the City of Hope Orange County in California, confirmed that previous studies have associated the aspirin use with a reduced risk of cancer, especially with risk of cancer Gastrointestinal tract Cancer species.

“In numerous studies with mixed results to reduce the risk of recurrences and/or improvement in the results in patients with metastatic cancer,” said Kasi, who was not involved in research, to Fox News Digital.

“This new study also shows how aspirin and other inhibitors of this path can be used in new treatments to prevent cancer from metastasized or spread out.”

Potential risks

Roychoudhuri, the senior researcher, promoted caution when using the results.

While aspirin is inexpensive and widespread, its long -term use is not without “significant risks,” he said, including stomach bleeding and hemorrhagic stroke, especially in older people.

Pills in the hand

While aspirin is inexpensive and widespread, long -term use was not waiting without “significant risks” because the researcher warned. (IStock)

“That is why we emphasize that patients without specific medical advice from their doctor should not start taking aspirin for cancer prevention,” he said in an explanation of FOX News Digital.

“The calculation of the risk calculation varies significantly between people based on age, comorbidities and simultaneous medication,” the doctor noticed. “Patients who are interested in aspirin therapy should discuss with their oncologists or Family doctorwho can evaluate the potential advantages against the risks. “

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Kasi pointed out the potential restrictions on the study, especially that research was carried out more on mouse models than in humans.

“The study also did not take any complications that some people who use aspirin regularly, such as bleeding or interactions Other drugs“, he noticed.

Lung cancer screening

Experts agree that patients should speak to their doctor in order to discuss the advantages and health risks with the regular use of aspirin. (IStock)

“However, it builds on the growing evidence … and provides mechanistic insights into the way this effect can occur from an immune perspective.”

Kasi agreed that patients should speak to their doctor in order to discuss the advantages and health risks in connection with the regular use of aspirin.

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“In some cases, low-dose aspirin or other anti-inflammatory drugs are already taken into account in clinical use as well as in additional studies-for example for people born with lynch syndrome and have a higher assessment for the development of colorectal, endometrial and other cancer,” he said.

Next Steps

The scientists plan to carry out more research through the add-aspirin clinical study, which will recruit more than 10,000 patients with breast, colorectal, gastroesophageal and in the early stages Prostate cancer In Great Britain and India – to determine whether aspirin can stop or delay the recurrence of these cancer.

“Patients who are interested in aspirin therapy should discuss with their oncologists or family practitioners who can evaluate the potential advantages against the risks.”

“Our Studies intend to Aspirin could possibly be the most advantageous for patients with cancer in the early stages that were treated with curative intent but could accommodate undiscovered micrometastases, “said Roychoudhuri.

“However, further clinical validation is necessary before certain recommendations can be made.”

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Research received funds from Medical Research Council, the Wellcome Trust and the European Research Council.

The Add-Aspirin Clinical Study is financed by Cancer Research UK, the National Institute for Health and Nursing Research, the Medical Research Council and the Tata Memorial Foundation of India.

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