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Robert Kiyosaki warns baby boomers will be ‘biggest losers’ – suggests children are ‘nudging’ their parents to sell their homes, stocks and bonds ‘now’

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Robert Kiyosaki warns baby boomers will be ‘biggest losers’ – suggest children persuade their parents to sell their homes and assets before it’s too late

Robert Kiyosaki is absolutely consistent. The Rich Dad Poor Dad author and self-proclaimed “Billionaire in debt“has earned a reputation for predicting the market’s demise, and if you follow it

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Kiyosaki, a staunch real estate investor who is known to be an owner 15,000 propertiesis now pushing baby boomers to sell their homes. Yes, sell. “If I were a BOOMER’s child…I would encourage my parents to sell their house, stocks and bonds now…while prices are high…before the impending CRASH,” he wrote in his recent post.

Coming from someone who has preached the virtues of real estate for decades, it seems like a plot twist. But Kiyosaki isn’t the type to sugarcoat his opinion, and he’s clear about who he thinks will be most affected: Boomer. “If the stock market crashes … boomers will be the biggest losers,” he warned, adding that their once-untouchable retirement assets — homes, 401(k)s and IRAs — won’t be enough to save them.

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Kiyosaki blames the same generation he warns against, arguing that baby boomers have had it good for too long. “BOOMERs got lucky,” he said, pointing to how their generation drove up the real estate market in the 1970s and fueled the stock and bond boom with their 401(k)s. But now, he says, the aging population will turn those upswings into downturns.

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