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Why does my creatine smell bad? (6 Facts About Stinky Creatine)

Creatine is typically described as tasteless and odorless. However, some users report a slightly sour smell, but that’s definitely not a bad thing. If brand new creatine smells bad, return it to the manufacturer for replacement or refund. You should also be careful where you store creatine as it can be affected by heat, humidity, and direct sunlight. A sealed creatine container can last for a long time, even a year or two past the expiration date. However, if the container has been unsealed for more than 36 months, you should replace it.

Creatine should be odorless

Dr. Brad Schoenfeld, CSCS, FNSCA: "Although creatine monohydrate has a slightly sweet smell, it is very mild and should not be noticeable unless you smell it directly from the container."Dr. Brad Schoenfeld, CSCS, FNSCA: "Although creatine monohydrate has a slightly sweet smell, it is very mild and should not be noticeable unless you smell it directly from the container."

First, let’s get one thing straight: creatine should be odorless.

Still, I’ve seen some users describe a slightly sour smell.

There are even people who say it has a slightly chalky smell.

I suspect this is all because we have different senses, with some perhaps being more sensitive to smells than others.

However, if you’re buying creatine for the first time, and even if you’ve had a tub for a while, it shouldn’t give off a particularly bad smell.

Why does my creatine smell like fish?

If your creatine supplement gives off a fish-like odor, this often indicates that the product is spoiled or spoiled. Typically, creatine monohydrate is a stable substance that should not give off a strong smell, especially one reminiscent of fish. In such cases, it is advisable to discard the supplement and avoid consumption.

I researched the smelly creatine phenomenon online and was quite surprised by what I found.

In fact, I came across various online fitness forums and question-and-answer websites where a variety of people complained about the smell of creatine.

Then you immediately know that something is wrong with your particular container.

In fact, one user had just purchased a brand new tub and claimed that it gave off an extremely strong fishy smell when opened.

Registered Nutritionist and ISSN Sports Nutritionist Michelle Braun: "If your creatine smells fishy, ​​that's not a good sign. This could be a sign of contamination or spoilage. I recommend throwing it away and getting a new batch from a reputable source."Registered Nutritionist and ISSN Sports Nutritionist Michelle Braun: "If your creatine smells fishy, ​​that's not a good sign. This could be a sign of contamination or spoilage. I recommend throwing it away and getting a new batch from a reputable source."

As I mentioned earlier, creatine should be odorless, and if you notice that it has a smell, that definitely shouldn’t be a bad thing.

So our fishy friend clearly received a container that went bad for some reason.

He mentioned that he had purchased creatine decanate, which is slightly different from the standard monohydrate.

Creatine decanate is a micronized creatine.

This simply means that the creatine is essentially monohydrate, but the molecules have been cut or split.

This basically increases the surface area of ​​the creatine, which promotes faster absorption and can reduce potential stomach discomfort.

And that’s just one of them many forms of creatine.

But in reality, even another type of creatine should NOT smell like fish.

There was definitely something wrong with his container.

Even a small amount of water coming into contact with creatine during the manufacturing process can have an impact.

However, if your creatine smells like fish, you know for sure that you probably shouldn’t consume it It is likely that you will feel ill.

Return the creatine to the manufacturer immediately and request either a replacement or a refund.

Does creatine cause a smell?

I have to admit that I often laugh to myself at some of the things I read online.

In fact, I found a creatine user who was convinced that creatine made him smell like onions.

He had even “tested” this himself.

On the days he consumed creatine, he stated that he definitely gave off an onion smell.

And that even after he had washed and showered.

However, as a test, he decided to give up creatine for a few days and claimed his onion smell disappeared.

Now I don’t want to go into the details of this person’s personal hygiene, diet, or even his sweat glands, but this is clearly very strange.

Not only should creatine be tasteless and odorless, it should also not produce any other odor when consumed.

Okay, our onion friend has convinced himself that creatine is clearly to blame, but I’d hazard a guess that there’s another explanation.

Therefore, I would like to categorically say that creatine does not cause any smell.

Where do you store your creatine?

Okay, so now you know that you should definitely return your brand new creatine if it gives off a pungent smell.

But what if you’ve been taking a can of creatine for a few weeks and it suddenly starts giving off a terrible smell?

This could have something to do with where you store your creatine.

Creatine should always be stored in a cool and dry place.

As with most powders, you probably don’t want to store it in a location where the temperature rises above 70°F (22°C).

Dr. Jörn Fitschen, Sports Scientist and Researcher: "Store your creatine powder in a cool, dry place out of direct sunlight. Heat and humidity can break down creatine and reduce its effectiveness."Dr. Jörn Fitschen, Sports Scientist and Researcher: "Store your creatine powder in a cool, dry place out of direct sunlight. Heat and humidity can break down creatine and reduce its effectiveness."

Okay, I understand that this is not always possible due to climate temperatures, but of course do your best.

However, if you store your creatine container outdoors, especially near heat or direct sunlight, it is more likely to spoil.

Moisture can also have an influence.

So you don’t necessarily want to leave your container near the stove or microwave.

You should not place it on a shelf near a window so that it will be exposed to direct sunlight.

And it’s not a good idea to keep it next to the boiler.

You probably You should also not keep ant preparations in your car, especially in very hot weather.

Admittedly, storing creatine in a warmer environment or in direct sunlight may have no effect at all.

But why take the risk?

How long have you had your creatine?

Also, pay attention to the expiration date of your creatine.

The vast majority of supplements have a specific expiration date.

This usually happens within a maximum of 3 years after the product was produced.

However, in fact, a sealed container of creatine that has been stored in a cool and dry place will typically last up to a year or two after expiration.

However, if you have had an open container for more than 36 months, I would recommend you throw it away and replace it with a new one.

I know that most of us generally buy creatine and use it regularly.

Therefore, we never come close to the actual expiration date.

But this is definitely something you should be aware of.

Should I use creatine capsules?

Brian St. Pierre, certified strength and conditioning specialist: "If you find the taste of creatine unpleasant, some flavored powders can effectively mask it. However, pills generally have no taste."Brian St. Pierre, certified strength and conditioning specialist: "If you find the taste of creatine unpleasant, some flavored powders can effectively mask it. However, pills generally have no taste."

I know some users are put off by the fact that their creatine smells bad.

So you might be tricked into taking creatine capsules.

In truth, if you have purchased good quality creatine, there should be absolutely no difference between pills and powder.

I’ve heard that capsules enter the bloodstream more quickly, but I don’t pay much attention to that.

Creatine supplementation is all about flooding the muscles with creatine and then maintaining that state.

So once you have achieved this either through exercise or regular intake, it makes little difference how “quickly” creatine is absorbed.

I would say that creatine powder is cheaper than capsules, so you should consider this if you are on a tight budget.

Creatine capsules also have an expiry date, so they can actually “go bad”.

In reality, it just comes down to personal preference.

Final thoughts

So if your creatine smells bad, it probably means there’s something wrong with it.

Creatine should definitely be odorless, but with a slight odor it shouldn’t smell bad.

If it is a new container, return it to the manufacturer.

You should also make sure to store your creatine in a cool and dry place.

Also, don’t forget that creatine has an expiration date. So be careful how long you’ve had the container.

So that’s the “smell” we’re dealing with, but there’s another common complaint, which is: Why does creatine make you hungry??

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