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Dancing, shouting trans activists shut down parents’ group meeting

Several provocatively dressed, dancing Transgender activists On Wednesday in an information parents’ meeting in the Vermont State House, the event disturbed and forced the parents to find another place for their event.

The activists played loud music and called when the organizers tried to speak.

The Vermont State House Sergeant the weapons refused to remove the transactivists and claimed that according to the Vermont Daily Chronicle, they had the right to be there to be there.

The parent group-the Vermont Family Alliance event an event for the “Detrans Awareness Day” and should highlight resources that were available to be available to transgender identifying people who were physically, mentally and emotionally damaged by sexual treatments.

The demonstrators of Doge gather outside the key department after the employees have been instructed not to report to work on Wednesday

Vermont State House

Transactors interrupted an event in the Vermont State House Building on Wednesday by parents of criminals. (AP Photo/Lisa Rathke)

The video, which was recorded by the incident posted on X, shows several transgender activists who carry without a shirt and purple tutu and wave another with a band wine and danced the organizer Renee McGuinness by the event organizer while trying to give their presentation to their parents.

Speak to the Vermont Daily ChronicleMcGuinness said the group reserved the room for the event for the afternoon. The State House Sergeant at ARMS Agatha Kessler had both groups cleared the room after 30 minutes of persistent disturbance, with concerns about the security of both parties.

The chronicle reported that many event participants moved to the cafeteria to hold their event.

“Our First packaging In this case, rights were rejected in favor of a disturbing group, “said McGuinness.

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Trans -demonstrator outside the U.S. Court of Justice, flag blew

A transgender rights supporters take part in a rally outside the Supreme Court of the United States, while the judges hear arguments on December 4, 2024 in Washington, DC, in a case of transgender health rights (Kevin Dietsch/Getty Images)

McGuinness explained that the event should help former transgender people who were “denied and outlawed and bullied”.

“You want a voice and you want to heal from your wounds and injuries due to the medical intervention,” she said.

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McGuiness called for the legislative Vermont, namely Majority democraticTo change his rules for decency in the State House to respect the rights of groups that have undergone the right channels to reserve an event room.

“It’s sad and unhappy,” said McGuinness. “The first change is really about civil discourse, or not one group about another.”

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